Frequently Asked Questions
Please find Cleveland Revival Centers frequently asked questions about our center and services below. If you need further assistance feel free to contact us.
When are revival services?
Service times are weekly every Sunday at 11am, Tuesday at 12 noon and Friday at 7pm.
What should I wear?
We are so excited that you are joining us! We want you to feel as comfortable as possible, so feel free to dress casual-- come as you or if you prefer to dress up in your Sunday best, and that's fine too. We want you to feel comfortable.
Where should I park?
CRC is located in the Euclid Square Mall in Euclid, Ohio. There is plenty of FREE parking available at the mall. We ask our guests to use our back door entrance, located on the North side of the mall (railroad tracks side). This is direct entrance from the parking lot and not through the mall itself. Look for a light post in the parking lot marked N3; there is a dividing wall in front of the entrance marked Receiving Area B; behind that wall are several doors. Our door is toward the middle, and clearly marked Cleveland Revival Center.
Am I expected to put money in the offering on my first visit?
If you are visiting with us for the first time, we don't want you to feel pressure about giving, however, we do believe the principles in God's Word about sowing and reaping.
I have hearing and/or visual problems. Is there any special assistance?
We are happy to accommodate any special needs and ask that you contact our office at (216) 262-3480 for additional assistance.
Do you have handicap accessibility? Is there any special assistance?
We are happy to accommodate any special needs and ask that you contact our office at (216) 262-3480 for additional assistance.
Do I have to belong to your church to attend?
Not at all. We welcome everyone.
who are your leaders?
Revivalist Wes and Carla Geiger. Please see the page titled Revivalist on our website for more information.
who do i talk to if i want to know more about crc?
We are available by email or phone. Please see the page on our website titled Contact Us.
What kind of things do you do in your worship service?
At CRC, we place a high value on worship. We believe in the freedom to worship God as the scripture says. We do not restrict, but allow the Holy Spirit have His way. There is liberty in our time of worship!